The Ever-Expanding Lewis

Lewis died in 1963. Most of his books were written in the 1940s and 50s. He was a popular author during his lifetime, but since his death his books have sold increasing amounts. This is most true of the last 10 years. Why the appeal? With the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of HarperOne publishing Lewis’s works, Mickey Maudlin of HarperOne suggests that Lewis has a “range of unique traits:”

1. a rare combination of expert knowledge and a flare for popular writing;

2. a commitment to be “nontribal” so that Catholic, Protestant, liberal, conservative, and non-Christian all feel he was writing for them;

3. a commitment not to get caught up in lesser, inter-nicene squabbles that marginalize other writers in this world;

4. and his sheer creativity in communicating wonder and awe as he explains things that are true and beautiful.

“What I usually don’t say, but is probably the best answer, is,” Mickey says, “I read Lewis thirty years ago, and he changed my life, and he is an author I routinely point others to.”

Here’s to a long legacy to come.

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