Two New C. S. Lewis Compilations
Introducing two new C. S. Lewis compilations, one on Christianity and one on Prayer, culled from his beloved works and available wherever books and ebooks are sold. Here are some insights into each of these new books, from the Preface:
“Christians spend a lot of time talking about beliefs and doctrines; so much so that one might think that mastering the faith is understanding a set of ideas. But that is not the case. The real substance of faith dwells in the world of action. Christian faith becomes real when it is lived out…In [How to Be a Christian] we have gathered selections from chapters, essays, letters and speeches from a wide range of Lewis’s books, all having to do with how we live out our beliefs and not just how we believe.”
“It is not surprising that a teacher of Christian faith would pray regularly…Lewis spent a lot of time practicing, thinking about, and writing about prayer. By reading the pieces included here, it becomes clear that it was Lewis’s long-term commitment to the practice of prayer that helps explain why his teachings have such depth and vibrancy even after many decades. In How to Pray, we have tried to gather Lewis’s wisdom on prayer sprinkled throughout his books, essays, letters, and poems…what he says is often wise, striking, and deep, which will not be a surprise to anyone who has looked to Lewis as a Christian guide and mentor before.”